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My Priorities are Republican Priorities.

A few of them include:

  • State Sovereignty: Texas First, Texas Forever

  • Abolishing Abortion & Equal Protection for All People

  • Freezing the Spending and Reducing the Budget

  • Eliminating Homestead Property Taxes

  • Eliminating the taxpayer funding of medical and psychological "gender transitions" of both minors and adults.

  • Eliminating taxpayer funded lobbying. 

  • Defending Religious Freedom, including the right to gather free from government interference and coercion.

  • Defending and Securing the Texas Border.

  • Defending Families in a Hostile World:

    • Sex Markers: there are two sexes, and Texas legislation needs to finally acknowledge this scientific fact.

    • Child trafficking needs to stop in Texas, and the first step is to stop the flow of illegal aliens into Texas.

    • Parent's Bill of Rights: it's time Texas and the strongest position protecting parents

    • ​We should not allow public schools to expose our children to sexual literature or discussions, political or progressive filled agendas, and pagan or heretical indoctrination. Therefore, I am a proponent of implementing an apolitical and traditional family focused elementary school core curriculum that is first and foremost available and transparent to Parents, and preserves Parental Rights above all.

  • 100% Pro-life from Conception, to a natural death

  • Pro 2nd Amendment

State Sovereignty 

     Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government. Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified.

Rights of Sovereign People
     The Republican Party of Texas supports the historic concept, established by our nation’s founders, of limited civil government jurisdiction under the natural laws of God, and we oppose the concept that the state is sovereign over the affairs of men, the family, and the church. We believe that government properly exists by the consent of the governed and must be restrained from intruding into the freedoms of its citizens. The function of government is not to grant rights, but to protect the unalienable, God-given rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness of all, including the unborn.

Education and a Parents' Bill of Rights

     We believe that all children should have access to quality education. Under the US Constitution, the power to regulate education is reserved exclusively to the States and to the people. Parents have the primary right and responsibility to educate their children.

     We support the right of parents to freely choose public, charter, private, parochial, or homeschooling for their children. We support the right of parents to choose the specific public school that their children attend. No child should be forced to attend a failing school.

     We reject the imposition of federal education standards and the tying of any government funding to the adoption of federal education standards.

     We rejected the intrusion of government in private, parochial, or homeschools.

     We affirm that the policies, procedures, activities, and finances of public education in Texas at all levels should be fully transparent. To ensure transparency, the check register of all traditional school districts and charter schools should be posted online with the link on the home page.

     We respect parental authority regarding sex education. We believe that abortion providers and affiliates should be prohibited from providing any curriculum or instruction in schools.

The 2nd Amendment - REAL Constitutional Carry

     I oppose any measure that would deprive someone of their right to possess firearms without being convicted of a crime or found mentally incompetent by a competent medical psychiatric professional, or that would cause gun owners to be investigated by law enforcement or appear before a judge when there is no reasonable cause of a crime committed.

This includes state legislation such as red flag laws, social media monitoring that targets gun owners, expanded background checks, mandates on personal firearms storage, and government-mandated location restrictions such as those in K-12 schools and 51% establishments, and Federal law such as PTSD-related restrictions and the National Firearms Act.

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